XX Cursa Popular Teulada
Termini d'inscripció.Últim dia inscripció 15 de març de 2024 a les 12:00 h.
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Llistat adults
1945 a 2006
Llistat Xiquets
2007 a 2020
Nom |
Categoria |
Club |
AJURIA FERNANDEZ, JESUS | Vet. F Mas | Independent |
ALBA BENITO, MARIA JOSÉ | Vet. F Fem | C. A. Altea |
ALBIÑANA , NURIA | Vet. B Fem | C. A. El Faro |
ANDRES JIMENEZ, SITO | Vet. D Mas | C. A. Corremundos |
ANDRES SOLER, JOAN JOSEP | Senior Mas | C. A. Corremundos |
ANGUIANO LOPEZ, MANUEL IVAN | Vet. B Mas | C. A. Corremundos |
ANGUITA AGUILAR, RAMON | Vet. F Mas | Independent |
ARROGANTE HUERTAS, BELÉN | Vet. D Fem | C. A. Correrenmadrid |
BALBASTRE, RAFA | Vet. D Mas | C. A. Safor - Teika |
BAS VIVES, DIDIER | Vet. E Mas | C. Calpe Pool |
BENAVENT GARRIDO , MIGUEL | Vet. F Mas | C. C. Fuig Que et Xafe |
BERNÁ ESCALERA, CORA | Senior Fem | Independent |
BERTOMEU CARDONA, FERRAN | PromoS23 M | Independent |
BROOKS, ALEX | Vet. A Mas | Independent |
BURGUERA BURGUERA, JUANJO | Vet. E Mas | G. R. Real de Gandia |
CABALLER ALABADI, JOSE | Vet. G Mas | C. Green Power S. T. |
CABALLERO PIERNAS, RUBEN | Vet. B Mas | C. A. Benidorm |
CABRERA FONT, MIGUEL ÁNGEL | Vet. C Mas | C. Ginestar Atletisme Benissa |
CABRERA RONDA, RAUL | PromoS23 M | Independent |
CALABUIG, CARLOS | Senior Mas | - Independent |
CAMPELLO FUENTES, GASPAR | Vet. G Mas | C. A. Santa Pola |
CAMPOS GALDO, NATALIA | Vet. B Fem | C. A. Gandia - Alpesa |
CANO CLIMENT, ELIZABETH | Vet. C Fem | Independent |
CASELLES MULET, JAUME BERNAT | Senior Mas | Independent |
CHIRAC, SORINA | Senior Mas | C. D. l´ Espenta |
CHRIZTUS, CHRISTIAN | Vet. A Mas | Independent |
CIGES GADEA, TONI | Senior Mas | Independent |
CORTES GONZALEZ, CARLOS | Vet. B Mas | Independent |
CORTES PLANA, JOSE JUAN | Vet. C Mas | C. E. Corredors de Callosa |
COSTA DOMENECH, JORDI | Senior Mas | Independent |
COSTA DOMENECH, JOSE | PromoS23 M | Independent |
COSTA ROLDAN, JUANJO | Vet. C Mas | Independent |
CUEVAS CUARTERO, VICENTE | Vet. E Mas | C. E. Dorsal 19 Pego |
DALMAU MARTI, ALICIA | Vet. C Fem | C. A. Corremundos |
DANCIGER, SIMON | Vet. F Mas | - Independent |
DE LA CRUZ JORDÀ, FRAN | Senior Mas | C. Entrena Benissa |
DE LA TORRE PAREDES, CRISTINA | Vet. A Fem | Independent |
DÍAZ GARIJO, IVÁN | Senior Mas | Independent |
DIEZ LÓPEZ, DARÍO | Senior Mas | - Independent |
DOUGLASS, OLENA | Vet. B Fem | Independent |
DURILLO VALLÉS , GERMÁN | Vet. A Mas | C. A. Corremundos |
ENGUIX SANCHO, JOSE | Vet. D Mas | C. A. La Valldigna |
ESPEJO, ALBA | Senior Fem | Independent |
ESPINO MUÑIZ , JUAN | Vet. B Mas | C. A. Benidorm |
FERNÁNDEZ VÉLEZ , ANA | Senior Fem | C. Triatlón Murcia Unidata |
FERRA JORDA, MAITE | Vet. E Fem | C. Ginestar Atletisme Benissa |
FERRA JORDA, MARCOS | Vet. C Mas | C. Ginestar Atletisme Benissa |
FERRER BUIGUES, MIGUEL | Vet. B Mas | Independent |
FRAILE I GARCIA, JESÚS | Vet. D Mas | C. Vegan Athlethes |
FRESNEDA FERNÁNDEZ , RAÚL | Senior Mas | C. A. Corremundos |
FUSTER MESTRE, ANA | Vet. D Fem | C. D. l´ Espenta |
GALDRÁN CABELLO, RAMÓN | Vet. C Mas | C. Corre X Crevillent |
GARCÍA BISQUERT, ALEJANDRO | Vet. A Mas | C. A. Triatló La Vila |
GARCÍA GUERRERO, ADRIÁN | Senior Mas | Independent |
GARCÍA VELEZ, ALFREDO | Vet. F Mas | Independent |
GARRO GARRO, EDUARDO | Vet. D Mas | C. A. Correrenmadrid |
GEA ESCRIVA , SALVADOR | Vet. E Mas | Independent |
GIMÉNEZ CASTILLO , YOLANDA | Vet. C Fem | C. Ondara Tri-Esport |
GONZÁLEZ IVARS, MIQUEL | Vet. C Mas | C. Ginestar Atletisme Benissa |
GRANT, AVA | Senior Fem | Independent |
GRIMALT MORAGUES , BORJA | Vet. B Mas | Independent |
GUILLEM LÓPEZ , JESSICA | Senior Fem | Independent |
GUZMAN RIPOLL, FRANCISCO | Vet. C Mas | C. A. La Nucia |
HAMILTON LEDESMA, HENRY | Vet. B Mas | Independent |
HERAS MELGAR, LUCIA | PromoS23 F | - Independent |
HERVAS PEINADO, JOSEP | Vet. G Mas | C. Riola Corre |
HIGUERAS LLAVADOR, ANNA | Vet. B Fem | C. Ginestar Atletisme Benissa |
IAN, ELLIS | Vet. E Mas | C. A. Costa Blanca Striders |
IVARS DALMAU, MARIO | Vet. C Mas | Independent |
IVARS JULIÁ , TONI | PromoS23 M | Independent |
JUSTO, NICOLÁS | Vet. C Mas | Independent |
LLOBELL DALMAU, MAGDA | Vet. B Fem | C. A. Corremundos |
LLOBELL DURÀ, FRANCESCA | Vet. B Fem | C. A. Corremundos |
LLOPIS, ORKO 13 | Vet. C Fem | C. A. Corremundos |
LOPEZ CEJALVO, DAVID | Vet. B Mas | C. A. Corremundos |
LOPEZ MARTIN, LOURDES | Vet. C Fem | Independent |
MALONDA , VICENT | Vet. F Mas | C. A. Corremundos |
MANSILLA CONCA, CRISTINA | Vet. B Fem | C. A. Apol·ana |
MARCOS FERRI, TANIA | Senior Fem | Independent |
MARTÍNEZ ESPARZA, PEPI | Vet. G Fem | C. A. Altea |
MARTINEZ SANCHIS, ROSA | Vet. D Fem | C. E. Corredors de Callosa |
MARTÍNEZ SANTACREU , PAU | Vet. B Mas | C. A. Alcoi |
MAS BOJI, JOSE | Vet. E Mas | C. A. Runners for Beer |
MATAIX DÍAZ , ÁLVARO | Vet. A Mas | Independent |
MIRA PEREZ, OTILIO | Vet. A Mas | Independent |
MOCANU, GABRIEL | Vet. E Mas | C. Alejandro Sanz salut integrativa |
MONTALBAN ROLDAN , ERIC | PromoS23 M | Independent |
MORENO RUIZ, FRANCISCO JAVIER | Vet. B Mas | Independent |
MUÑOZ BOIX, SILVIA | Vet. C Fem | Independent |
MUÑOZ I FORNÉS , ALBERT | Senior Mas | C. The Kenyan urban way |
MUT PASTOR , DANIEL | Senior Mas | C. Ondara Tri-Esport |
NAGELL, ARNSTEIN | Vet. E Mas | - Independent |
NAIR, LORENZO | Senior Mas | Independent |
NAVARRO FORTUÑO, ADRIÁN | Vet. B Mas | C. A. El Faro |
ORTIZ MERINO, LUIS | Vet. B Mas | C. A. Corremundos |
ORTOLÀ, MAICA | Vet. C Fem | C. A. Corremundos |
PÁLMADÓTTIR, ANNA BERGLIND | Vet. B Fem | C. Dénia Corre |
PALOMARES, SAMUEL | Senior Mas | Independent |
PALOMO GALLEGO, ROBERT | PromoS23 M | Independent |
PASTOR EJIDO, AMELIA | Vet. G Fem | G. Condol Denia |
PAYÀ, LLUÍS | Vet. E Mas | Independent |
PEDRÓN MAJADO, FERNANDO | Vet. B Mas | Independent |
PELLÍN CÓRDOBA , MIGUEL ÁNGEL | Vet. D Mas | C. A. Apol·ana |
PENALVER, FRANCOIS | Vet. G Mas | C. Nexo Sport Team |
PEREZ CRUAÑES, FRAN | Vet. A Mas | Independent |
PEREZ ESTRUCH , IVÁN | Vet. B Mas | C. Córrer El Garbí |
PEREZ FLUIXA, RAFAEL | Vet. A Mas | Independent |
PÉREZ MONCHO, JUANHER | Vet. C Mas | Independent |
PEREZ SANCHEZ, LOLA | Vet. E Fem | Independent |
PÉREZ SÁNCHEZ, MARÍA DEL MAR | Vet. D Fem | C. A. Benidorm |
PÉREZ TUR, MARINA | PromoS23 F | Independent |
PERNA SERRA, ANTHONY | Senior Mas | Independent |
RAMIRO FONT, IVÁN | Senior Mas | C. A. Corremundos |
RAMOS UCEDA, JORGE | Vet. E Mas | C. A. Torrent Corre |
RAMOS-RINCÓN, JOSÉ-MANUEL | Vet. F Mas | Independent |
REYES LÓPEZ, JUAN | Vet. G Mas | Independent |
RIPOLL, VÍCTOR | Vet. B Mas | Independent |
RIPOLL FERRANDO, JOSÉ | Vet. E Mas | C. A. Altea |
RIPOLL FUERTES, GERMÁ | Vet. D Mas | C. Ginestar Atletisme Benissa |
ROCHEVA , ALONA | Senior Fem | Independent |
ROLDÁN USÓ, PILAR | Vet. F Fem | Independent |
ROMAGUERA LLISO, LUIS | Vet. G Mas | C. Córrer El Garbí |
RUBIO COTS, FELIPE | Vet. C Mas | C. D. l´ Espenta |
RUEDA ORTEGA, VANESSA | Vet. B Fem | Independent |
RUIZ ALCAIDE, ANDREA | PromoS23 F | Independent |
RUIZ PANIZA, ANTONIO MANUEL | Vet. E Mas | Independent |
RUIZ PANIZA, JOAQUIN | Vet. E Mas | Independent |
SALGADO, MARIA | Senior Fem | Independent |
SALHI ABADI, YASIN | PromoS23 M | Independent |
SALHI TAMALOUT, ABDELKADER | Vet. D Mas | Independent |
SALMERON OLCINA, ADRIAN | Vet. A Mas | C. A. Gandia - Alpesa |
SALORT, VICENTE | Vet. C Mas | Independent |
SANCHIS MARTIN DE LA LEONA, MIKEL | Vet. B Mas | C. Triatló Benirredrà |
SAVALL IBIZA, XIMO | Vet. G Mas | C. D. l´ Espenta |
SEGOVIA ROMERO, LIDIA | Vet. A Fem | Independent |
SEGUI TASA, ROSA ISABEL | Vet. D Fem | C. E. Corredors de Callosa |
SENDIN HUERTA, ALBERTO | Vet. B Mas | C. The Kenyan urban way |
SENDRA ROVIRA, VICENTE | Vet. C Mas | C. Ondara Tri-Esport |
SIGNES CARRIO, ANA | Vet. B Fem | C. A. Corremundos |
SIGNES MARTÍ, ANA | Vet. F Fem | C. Riola Corre |
SIMO COSTA, CARLOS | Vet. D Mas | C. A. Cametes |
SOLA QUIRANT, IRENE | Senior Fem | Independent |
SOLER LLOBELL, JOSÉ ANDRÉS | Vet. C Mas | Independent |
SOLER TORRES, JUANVI | Vet. B Mas | C. A. Gata |
SOTO FERRER, JORDI | Senior Mas | Independent |
TORRES MARTINEZ, JOAQUIN | Vet. D Mas | Independent |
TREVARTHEN, NINA | Vet. E Fem | - Independent |
VALLÉS CANTÓ, ESTER | Vet. A Fem | C. A. Corremundos |
VANDEVELDE, JEROME | Senior Mas | C. Ginestar Atletisme Benissa |
VERGARA MIRALLES, NACHO | Senior Mas | Independent |
VICEDO MORANT, DAVID | Vet. C Mas | Independent |
VIDAL BATALLER, JULIO | Vet. D Mas | C. A. Safor - Teika |
VIDAL BATALLER, PEPE | Vet. D Mas | C. A. Gandia - Alpesa |
VILA BOLINCHES, RAUL | Vet. C Mas | C. E. La Vespa de Novetlè |
VILA RENGEL, LAURA | Vet. B Fem | C. E. La Vespa de Novetlè |
VILARIÑO CLAUSÍ, JAVIER | Vet. E Mas | Independent |
WHALEY, JULIE | Vet. D Fem | Independent |
ZALDUMBIDE, FERNANDO | Senior Mas | Independent |
ZANON GARCIA, VICTORIA | Vet. C Fem | C. A. Torrent Corre |
Nom |
Categoria |
Club |
AKHACHI MARSO, MAHER | Infantil Mas | - Independent |
AKHACHI MARSO, NASSER | Pre-Benjami Mas | - Independent |
ALBI, CREED | Barrufet Mas | Independent |
ANAYA SEPULVEDA , RONALD DAVID | Benjamí Mas | Independent |
ANDRÉS DAVID, RODRIGO | Pre-Benjami Mas | C. Beer Runners Xabia |
ARBONA VIVES, VICENTA | Benjamí Fem | C. Nexo Sport Team |
ARLANDIS PEREZ , CLAUDIA | Aleví Fem | C. A. Dianium |
BAIDAL FERRER, JOEL | Pre-Benjami Mas | Independent |
BAIDAL FERRER, PAU | Pre-Benjami Mas | Independent |
BAIDAL GIL, ERIC | Pre-Benjami Mas | Independent |
BALLESTEROS CEACERO , LEO | Pre-Benjami Mas | Independent |
BARATO BONILLA, NEIZAN | Pre-Benjami Mas | C. A. Dianium |
BERTOMEU GIMÉNEZ, MICHELLE | Aleví Fem | Independent |
BERTOMEU GIMÉNEZ, ROMUALDO | Infantil Mas | Independent |
BLASCO ROSELLÓ, AMAYA | Barrufets Fem | C. A. Publidom |
BUIGUES , DANIEL | Infantil Mas | C. A. Corremundos |
BUIGUES DREES, NIL | Barrufet Mas | Independent |
BUIGUES SIGNES , MARIA | Benjamí Fem | C. A. Corremundos |
BUIGUES SOLIVERES, ÓLIVER | Pre-Benjami Mas | Independent |
BUITRAGO HOLGUIN, ARIADNA | Benjamí Fem | C. Ginestar Atletisme Benissa |
CABRERA IVARS , AARÓN | Barrufet Mas | Independent |
CALATAYUD SEMPERE , DÍDAC | Infantil Mas | C. E. El Corriol Oliva |
CALATAYUD SEMPERE , XAVI | Benjamí Mas | C. E. El Corriol Oliva |
CANO JORDÀ, NIL | Benjamí Mas | E. Atletisme Pedreguer |
CARDONA FERNÁNDEZ , LEO | Aleví Mas | Independent |
CERVERA PASTOR, KIKE | Barrufet Mas | C. Il·lusió i avant Dénia |
CERVERA PASTOR, PABLO | Benjamí Mas | C. Il·lusió i avant Dénia |
CHENNAOUI SAKHI, ASIA | Infantil Fem | Independent |
CHENNAOUI SAKHI, SAFIA | Aleví Fem | C. A. Corremundos |
CORTÉS MARÍ, JUDIT | Benjamí Fem | C. Nexo Sport Team |
CÓZAR I SELLÉS, AITANA | Benjamí Fem | C. A. Llebeig Xàbia |
DE LOS SANTOS, YANDEL | Infantil Mas | Independent |
DIEGO ANDRÉS , YERAY | Barrufet Mas | Independent |
ESTEVE PEDRO , SERGI | Pre-Benjami Mas | C. A. Gata |
ESTORNELL OSCA, PABLO | Benjamí Mas | C. A. Guadassuar |
FEMENIA MARTINEZ, MLUISA MARTINEZ | Pre-Benjami Mas | Independent |
FERRANDO ALAVÉS, JOANA | Benjamí Fem | C. A. Corremundos |
FERRER BAÑULS, GUILLEM | Benjamí Mas | Independent |
FORNÉS BERTOMEU, ÀNGELA | Benjamí Fem | Independent |
FORNES CATALA, AITANA | Benjamí Fem | C. A. Llebeig Xàbia |
FORNES PEREZ, BRUNO | Pre-Benjami Mas | C. A. Llebeig Xàbia |
GARCIA DEL REAL , ALEJANDRO | Pre-Benjami Mas | C. A. Llebeig Xàbia |
GARCÍA MARTÍ , ÁLEX | Benjamí Mas | C. A. Dianium |
GARCIA REBELLES, CANDELA | Juvenil Fem | C. A. La Nucia |
GIRALDO RÍOS , MACARENA | Barrufets Fem | Independent |
GRIMALT FERRER, ADRIÀ | Benjamí Mas | Independent |
GRIMALT FERRER, NEREA | Pre-Benjami Fem | Independent |
GUERRERO, SOFIA | Benjamí Fem | Independent |
GUEVARA, ANDRES ALEJANDRO | Benjamí Mas | Independent |
HERNÁNDEZ SÁNCHEZ, HUGO | Cadet Mas | Independent |
HERNÁNDEZ SÁNCHEZ, LAIA | Aleví Fem | C. A. iRun Calp |
IVARS BUIGUES, JOAN | Barrufet Mas | Independent |
IVARS PEÑA, JOEL | Pre-Benjami Mas | C. A. La Xara |
JIANU , ANASTASIA MIHAELA | Benjamí Fem | Independent |
JIANU , CARLA MARIA | Aleví Fem | Independent |
JIANU , VLADIMIR ȘTEFAN | Barrufet Mas | Independent |
JIMÉNEZ PIEDRA, MAEL | Barrufet Mas | Independent |
JIMÉNEZ PIEDRA , OLAYA | Aleví Fem | C. A. El Faro |
JIMÉNEZ PIEDRA, OLAYA | Aleví Fem | C. A. El Faro |
KHACHI BENTRIKA, ZAINAB | Pre-Benjami Fem | - Independent |
LAJAS FERNANDEZ, SARA | Benjamí Fem | Independent |
LANGLEY COLLINSON , XAVI LUIS | Pre-Benjami Mas | Independent |
LEDESMA , CLARA | Benjamí Fem | C. A. La Xara |
LEDESMA , RENATA | Pre-Benjami Fem | C. A. La Xara |
LEMA VALLÉS , MANEL | Pre-Benjami Mas | Independent |
LIZARTE ANDRES, LUCA | Barrufet Mas | Independent |
LIZARTE VIDAL, ALEIX | Aleví Mas | Independent |
LIZARTE VIDAL, MARTÍ | Aleví Mas | Independent |
LLOBELL HERMIDA, ALEX | Pre-Benjami Mas | Independent |
LLOBELL HERMIDA, DYLAN | Pre-Benjami Mas | Independent |
LLOBELL JULIÀ, JUDITH | Barrufets Fem | Independent |
LLOBELL YUSTA, MARTÍ | Pre-Benjami Mas | C. Multiesport Benitatxell |
LOPEZ MOLL, CLOE | Pre-Benjami Fem | Independent |
LOPEZ PARDO, PATRICIO | Aleví Mas | C. A. La Nucia |
LÓPEZ RODRIGUEZ, AARON | Barrufet Mas | C. A. Corremundos |
MARTÍNEZ BRIGGS , LEO | Juvenil Mas | C. A. El Faro |
MARTÍNEZ DAVIU, ANDREU | Barrufet Mas | C. A. Alcoi |
MARTOS MENDIZABAL, DIEGO | Cadet Mas | C. A. La Nucia |
MATA TORRES, MARTINA | Pre-Benjami Fem | Independent |
MCGHEE, DANIEL | Pre-Benjami Mas | Independent |
MONSERRAT FUENTES , LAIA | Pre-Benjami Fem | C. A. La Xara |
MONSERRAT FUENTES , LAIA | Pre-Benjami Fem | C. A. La Xara |
MORELL CASTILLO , BELA | Barrufets Fem | Independent |
MORILLAS PUIG, JÚLIA | Pre-Benjami Fem | Independent |
MORILLAS PUIG, MARÍA | Benjamí Fem | Independent |
ORTIZ MARTINEZ, LUCIA | Benjamí Fem | C. A. Corremundos |
ORTIZ MARTINEZ, NEREA | Benjamí Fem | C. A. Corremundos |
PARDO SÁNCHEZ , VÍCTOR | Pre-Benjami Mas | C. A. Llebeig Xàbia |
PASTOR VALLCANERA , XAVI | Aleví Mas | Independent |
PECIÑA LLOBELL, MARC | Benjamí Mas | Independent |
PÉREZ PÉREZ , QUIM | Pre-Benjami Mas | C. A. Dianium |
PÉREZ TORRES, ÀLAN | Barrufet Mas | Independent |
PICÓ LLOBELL, MIQUEL | Pre-Benjami Mas | Independent |
PICÓ LLOBELL, TONI | Barrufet Mas | Independent |
PIERA GASQUET, CARLES | Infantil Mas | Independent |
PINAR SAVAL, NORAH | Cadet Fem | C. A. La Nucia |
PLAZA MARTINEZ, ROSA | PromoS23 F | Independent |
PLAZA MARTINEZ, XAVI | Cadet Mas | Independent |
PONS REGALADO , MARTINA | Pre-Benjami Fem | C. A. Llebeig Xàbia |
QUINTANA , VALERIA | Aleví Fem | C. A. El Faro |
RAMIREZ GARCIA, CARLA | Juvenil Fem | C. A. La Nucia |
RODRÍGUEZ , MATEO | Pre-Benjami Mas | Independent |
SANCHEZ FUSTER, AZAHAR | Barrufets Fem | C. E. El Corriol Oliva |
SANCHO RAMIRO, NIL | Pre-Benjami Mas | Independent |
SASTRE SEGUÍ, ÍNDIA | Aleví Fem | Independent |
SASTRE SEGUÍ, LLUNA | Infantil Fem | Independent |
SELMA FERRANDO, MARCO | Pre-Benjami Mas | C. A. Corremundos |
SOLIVERES PEREZ, HUGO | Cadet Mas | Independent |
SOTO IVARS, VERA | Pre-Benjami Fem | C. A. Corremundos |
TROCHEZ SALGADO, MATEO | Benjamí Mas | Independent |
VALLÉS VALLÉS, ELENA | Pre-Benjami Fem | C. A. Corremundos |
VILLANUEVA GARCIA, LUCAS | Infantil Mas | Independent |
WIRTZ PINEDA, GUILLEM | Aleví Mas | Independent |
WIRTZ PINEDA, MARINA | Aleví Fem | Independent |
ZENAINI, AUS | Pre-Benjami Mas | - Independent |
ZENAINI, NOUR | Aleví Fem | - Independent |